Friday, April 29, 2011

Vestibule Continues

The work kicked in again on the vestibule after the crew got back on site. The roof looks beautiful and the front door framing is taking shape.  Amy and I have moved our siding efforts to the south side of the building with the assistance of Rocky!

Friday, April 15, 2011

The progress on the vestibule continues. Half of the roof decking is on and the decorative build out on the support columns is completed. It adds a whole new dimension to the building.

And at along last the final windows are installed. It is going to be a great view of the beautiful sunsets we have looking west.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Work continues on the vestibule. The cedar tongue and groove decking is getting added. Unfortunately due to a mis-calculation by the supplier we ran a bit short and have to wait for another shipment. It appears they only calculated for one half of the roof. But it is coming along and looking good.

This weekend, along with more siding, we added some non-shrink grout underneath the beam columns on the vestibule and in the basement (second picture from bottom). As well as filling in the basement beam pockets with the same. Finally I came back and topped off one  of the two vestibule columns with concrete. 18 bags of concrete mix later the bottom picture shows the results but doesn't show my aching back from the hand mixing!. I still have the second column on the vestibule and the two basement columns to fill.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Vestibule Framing Begins

As work on the siding continues - the first two photos show the north side of the building where we have just a little bit left to side on the main building.  The north and east side of the kick out is now done.

The framing began on the  vestibule. The steel support columns went up on Monday and today the main beams, the roof rafters and the decorative arch glue lam went up. Hopefully by tomorrow night it may be completed.